Manage moods

If you experience low moods, bad moods, anxiety or irritability after you quit smoking, you’re not alone! Remember that these feelings are temporary and will get easier after the first four weeks.

For some, smoking is a form of self-medication to help deal with feelings of loneliness, sadness, and depression. 

When someone quits, they are removing a major crutch for coping through the day, and it’s not uncommon to experience feelings of sadness or depression. In most cases, this should pass within a few weeks. Sometimes just talking with a friend can help, but if the feelings of sadness, anxiety or depression continue, talk to a doctor or pharmacist.

It's normal to feel depressed after your quit. These feelings will pass. Try calling your support person and using positive self-talk. Quitting is hard so try to think about success, not failure!
Anger is part of the process and you don't need to resist it. Suppressing anger can create tension and create the need for tobacco. Try to acknowledge anger safely and harmlessly by exercising, talking to a friend and doing deep breathing.
When bored and thinking of tobacco, then keep your hands and mind busy. Do an activity, chores or change locations. The habits and activities of smoking need to be replaced with something else.
Nicotine is strongly addictive and your body misses it when you quit. Cravings are normal and will be most intense right after your quit. The best way to beat a craving is to weigh it out, distract yourself, deep breath and drink water. It will pass.
After quitting you can feel tired as you're no longer giving your body nicotine. Tiredness may last two to four weeks. Get extra sleep and more exercise, take naps, eat healthy food and drink lots of water to help the healing process.
Food cravings
Cravings for tobacco can often be replaced with cravings for food. These cravings may last several weeks. Keep your mouth busy with healthy snacks, lots water and sugarless chewing gum.
Irritability, grouchiness, tension, frustration, restlessness
Your body is craving nicotine. People who quit tobacco are in a chronic state of nervous stimulation. These feelings may last for one to two weeks. When they hit, do some deep breathing, take a walk, be active and use relaxation exercises.
Lack of concentration
After quitting you may find concentrating difficult as your body adjusts to not having nicotine. Concentration will improve after the first week. When unfocussed try changing up your daily activities, get some fresh air, stay active, deep breathe and listen to music.
Lack of sleep
The feeling of not being able to sleep is normal usually only lasts about a week after your quit. Treat yourself to a warm bath and try relaxing at bedtime with a glass of warm milk, deep breathing, relaxation techniques. and reading.
Many people see their cigarette as a close friend. You may also realize that many of your friends use tobacco, and it’s harder to be around them now. Call a friend who doesn’t use tobacco. Go for a walk or a drive.